Monday, June 20, 2005

Living the Nightlife

The official Sims 2 Website announced on June 16th that they would be having one of their chats about the Sims 2 Nightlife Expansion pack with the usual suspects: Tim LeTourneau, Hunter Howe and Lyndsay McGaw. They were there to answer any and mostly all questions about the newest expansion pack that according to and will be released on September 13th to you United States and September 15th to the UK. The United States date is NOT confirmed.

You can find the chat transcript here.

And here are some IMPORTANT points that I thought stood out amongst them all:


Question: Will Vampires be playable and will they have unique qualities that normal sims don’t have?
(Jun 16, 2005 6:09:52 PM): Allow me to tell you of the exciting vampires. Yes, they're totally playable, like aliens or zombies from University. You can bite other Sims and turn them into vamps. Also, you have no motive decay at night! Yes! Although, you do burn in the daytime out in the sun. That's no fun at all.

Question: What's the deal with Vampires? Do we get to marry them or what not?
MaxisHunter! (Jun 16, 2005 6:10:34 PM): They're totally Sims. Marryable and everything.

Question: Can vampires procreate?
(Jun 16, 2005 6:11:32 PM): Yep. They would be very bad vampires if they didn't.

Question: What is the BEST thing in Nightlife that you guys HAVENT told us yet?
(Jun 16, 2005 6:13:50 PM): Flying around in bat form. Yeah, Vampires can be bats. It's pretty much the best thing ever. You can even fly over tables and stuff.
(Jun 16, 2005 6:14:25 PM): I'll also note to those of you concerned about vampires invading your game: it's our goal to make vampires totally avoidable if you dont want to play with them.

Question: About vampires ... when you say they burn out in the sun do you mean die or just rapid motive decay?
(Jun 16, 2005 6:18:46 PM): Their motives tank like crazy, and then they die if you dont get them out quick enough. The best place to send them is to your plush coffin bed.

Question: Can you breed vamps?
MaxisTim (Jun 16, 2005 6:29:05 PM): Yes, but Vampirism is not genetic. It's viral.

CARS ...

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Question: Are there really going to be cars in the game that you can use?
MaxisTim (Jun 16, 2005 6:07:28 PM): Yep, yep, yep

Question: I'm so excited that there are finally going to be cars in the game! I was wondering if the family owns a car, can adults/teens/elders in the same house carpool together if they go to work at the same time?
(Jun 16, 2005 6:12:19 PM): Everyone can use the car at the same time if they all have jobs at the same time. But they can also have multiple cars and you can pick who owns each.

Question: Will there be any more locations in which to "Woohoo" such as cars?
(Jun 16, 2005 6:13:02 PM): What kind of cars would they be if you couldn't WooHoo in them? Who knows what happens in there, with those fogged up windows. Also, things can get pretty steamy in the photo booth.....

Question: Will you have to buy gas for your Sims' cars, or will they always be filled?
(Jun 16, 2005 6:15:36 PM): They run on intern fusion reactors. They run on an endless supply of water. Thusly, they require little to no maintenance. They are also environmentally sound and will not pollute your neighborhood.

Question: Will we have garage doors for the garages we build?
(Jun 16, 2005 6:17:06 PM): Yeah, I personally think they are the coolest thing about the addition of cars, because you can now build garages as part of the house.

Question: What are the five cars types?
(Jun 16, 2005 6:18:04 PM): Hatchback, Sedan, Pickup, Minivan, Sportscar.

Question: If you have two sims with different jobs, but only one car.. Will the carpool arrive for one sim, or would you have to own two cars??
(Jun 16, 2005 6:23:07 PM): You need two cars for two different jobs. But if you only have 1 car, the carpool does show up.

Question: Will parents be able to drop their kids off to school?
(Jun 16, 2005 6:26:19 PM): Yep, how cool is that. No more worries about missing the bus.


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Question: Since you will be able to see the surrounding houses, will this slow down the game at all? Is there an option to turn it off?
(Jun 16, 2005 6:16:33 PM): You'll actually be able to turn them on or off; or turn off how many of them you see, it's completely adjustable.

Question: What about pools, is it true you can make different shapes with them now?
(Jun 16, 2005 6:24:40 PM): You won't be limited to the plain rectangle anymore, we're letting the tool build diagonals; sort of like the foundation tool.

Question: How many new objects will be available in Nightlife? Is it more than University?
(Jun 16, 2005 6:35:25 PM): Over 130, I believe.

So keep your eyes pealed for more on the Nightlife!